Art by Mars
A Short List of Environmental Comp Plan Goals That Should Already Be Chiseled In Granite Somewhere
These are some of the goals and actions from the natural resources element of the proposed comprehensive plan. When you look over this list, it makes you wonder why some of them aren’t already laws, or ordinances, or habit:
- Prepare plans in accordance to RIDEM standards to address potential pollution in compliance with EPA National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System requirements.
- Develop a comprehensive septic system management program.
- Continue to implement the open space preservation strategy for Western Cranston.
- Amend the cluster development regulations to reflect conservation design standards in order to facilitate the preservation of significant areas of open space and environmentally sensitive areas.
- Implement Best Management Practices for pesticides and fertilizers.
- Implement Best Management Practices for stormwater and erosion controls, including requirements for all new subdivision and development projects and implement the recommendations of the Fuss & O’Neill stormwater management study.*
- Ensure that municipal salt storage piles are adequately covered.
- Adopt standards, such as Low Impact Development techniques, to better manage stormwater from roadways in new construction - including reducing impervious surfaces in new developments to reduce runoff.
- Create restoration plans for the banks of the Pocasset and Pawtuxet rivers where roadways and development have degraded the rivers.
- Adopt a nutrient loading ordinance to reduce pollutant loading to the rivers, streams and water bodies.
Comprehensive Plan Workshops continue on Wednesday, September 17, 2008 from 6 pm to 8 pm at the Cranston Senior Center. The planning department will unroll the big maps again.
Visit Cranston’s web site to download a copy of the plan. Those unable to make these meetings can submit feedback to the following addresses:
Peter Lapolla, Director
Jason Pezzullo, Principal Planner
The Cranston Senior Center is located at 1070 Cranston Street.